Ramona Grasslands
January + February 10AM
Rain or Shine
and as always, it's FREE !
Suggested arrival time 9:30AM
Free parking, coffee, and donuts
Refreshments available
All ages welcome!

Photo credit: Roger Evans
The beautiful Begent Ranch
18528 Highland Valley Rd
Ramona, CA 92065
note: this is not WRI headquarters, but a private residence only open to the public during Hawk Watch

Free trial WRI membership upon sign in!
2025 Dates
JAN 11 FEB 8
JAN 18 FEB 15
JAN 25 FEB 22
What to Bring
Binoculars (if you have them)
Jacket or other layered clothing
Sturdy shoes for uneven terrain
Folding chair (if you have one)

Special Thanks!
to our dedicated team of volunteers who donate many hours to host our Hawk Watch program so we can offer free wildlife education to our citizens and schools with help from:
Critter Encounters
Master Falconers Charles Gailband and Dr. Bob Gordon
San Diego Herpetological Society
Please help us thank them when you see them!

What to Expect at Hawk Watch!
Hawk Watch is an informative educational Biologists Talk and Q&A with falconry or ambassador raptors for you to see up close and personal! The seated program lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 hours (restrooms available) and is followed by an option for additional roadside observations of wild raptors and other wildlife including a Bald Eagle nest where you'll drive your own car less than 2 miles on paved roads and come and go at your leisure. Biologists and local expert volunteer observers will help you spot and identify birds and show them to you through our high-powered professional telescopes. In the event of rain, we will still have the educational program inside the barn, but the usual falconry flight displays will not occur in the barn. There is no hiking portion of Hawk Watch, but we recommend wearing sturdy shoes for uneven terrain and going on your own to the nearby Ramona Grassland Preserve hiking trail after the program. Hawk Watch is wheelchair accessible, and we recommend using one if walking on uneven terrain could be a safety hazard for you. We hope you can make it!